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pApB pCpD pEpF pGpH pIpJ pKpL pMpN pOpP pQpR pSpT pUpV pWpX pYpZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
VISHAL best poha +ovals 30
healthy CHOICE poha +girl 30
papita brand poha +papaya 30
super tasty tasty poha 30
tasty superfine poha +girl 30
poggen pohl +squares 20
ADD point 16
ADVISOR point +oval 36
AS ALLWYN stationery point 16
BHET mobile point +oval 35
BREAT point 25
C1P 1st century point 9
CAMLIN c point 16
CP cash point +triangle 36
point 14
DLF south point +compus 19
EHP E health point +cross 42
EP electric point +oval 9, 11
ICL point 9
JP jewellery point 14
KAPOOR battery point 9
KBL a turning point of life 37
LINE pen & ball point pens 16
NIKKY point 25
P cool point mens wear +eye 25
P tailors point 25
PBC business point 16
PEACE point 25
PMP contact breaker point 9
POLARIS point 16
PRAFFUL point 24
QPF quadra point focus 9
RONEX fine point +lion 12
RPR point +circles 35
SEARCH point 16
SEARCH-point 9
SHALIMAR cool point 30
THE reva revalation point 12
TOM UNCLE maggi point 42
TURNING-point 25
VANTAGE point 25
VIVAH point +woman & heart 42
WEST point +arrow 16
WOOL point 25
attraction beauty point 3
darji point +oval 35, 41, 42
education point +shield ova 41
future point +swastika 16
hfp halt fashion point +ova 24, 25
success point +square 41
turning point 9
v-MALL fashion point 24
arrow pointing both ways 30
A.S.H. points 28
points 12
plus points techno BRAT +ma 16
PARADIGM purity poise 18
URBAN poise +arcs 18
EPOSS ezhikkara pokkali ric 30
WOOD pol 2
polar 7
polar BEAR 25
polar MISTRAL +leaf 11
polar MOHR 7, 9
SAFAR polar 7
BPP pole 6, 9
SBE +hut & pole 19
STANLEY 2 pole +plugs 9
TELEGRAPH +pole 34
PEOPLE CAB +telephone poles 9
PG police guy's 25
traffic police & car 2
AGL'S exim policy 9
polish APPLE BENZOIN +apple 3
5-SEAS 100% nail polish 3
8 MARK shoe polish +man 3
AGM liquid polish 4
AIRAVAT furniture polish 2
AIWA boot polish 3
BERRY shoe polish +ovals 3
CHENAB shoe polish 88 +man 3
CRAZY GIRL nail polish +gir 3
DAWN shoe polish +sun 3
EIGHTY ONE 81 sole polish 3
EIGHTY-80 sole polish 3
EXCEL wax-silicone polish 3
FINEX bike car cream polish 3
GEHI boot polish +m 3
GEHI premium shoe polish 3
GLAMOUR motor bike polish 3
KALA GULAB boot polish +ros 3
LOVE polish 3, 5
MAKE UP wax polish 3
MANSION polish 3
MAYUR wood GARD polish 2
MINTOO shoe polish +child 3
NATRAJ brand polish +god 2
OLYMPIC brand masoor polish 30
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